
How To Draw An Asteroid

how to draw an asteroid using fun effects

In this lesson, you will learn how to draw an asteroid using simple effects in just a few easy steps. I will show you how to create a basic rock using mostly solid shapes. Then, you will have the opportunity to create a cool tail around (and behind) the object also using only colorful shapes. If you can follow this tutorial using a vector application, then duplicating this lesson should be much easier. Otherwise, you can still create this nice illustration using other drawing tools. Ready? Let's proceed with the first step now.

How to draw an asteroid

Illustrations from this site (like the one above) can be yours now! Learn more.

Drawing the outlines used to form the cartoon asteroid

First, you can work on the silhouette of the object using a few irregular lines. Just make sure that the result is filled with small bumps and not perfectly circular. Around the cartoon asteroid and behind this one, draw another irregular shape to illustrate the tail.

How to draw an asteroid

Adding more layers inside the tail

The tail of the asteroid will be filled with multiple layers of depth, so it's important to sketch a few more shapes. You can simply duplicate the original shape to create three new objects. The first one must be slightly smaller than the original one. It should also surround the asteroid completely. The last two shapes are placed behind the main subject.

How to draw an asteroid

time to add some colors

The cartoon asteroid must be filled with a dark gray color. The largest shape used to form the tail is filled with a dark orange color. A brighter version of the same color is used for the second layer. Both smallest shapes are colored in white. The tip of the tail is transparent. Both white stripes used inside the tail are also transparent near the asteroid.

How to draw an asteroid

creating more volume inside the rock

Inside the asteroid, you can add more layers using various gray colors. Only the small circular shape on top is filled with a brighter color. You can see the current image below. One last step is required to complete this lesson on how to draw an asteroid.

How to draw an asteroid

drawing small holes all over the subject

For this step, several small holes are added inside the asteroid. These new shapes must be filled with a dark gray color. You can also play with the opacity of these new elements so that you can end up with a more realistic result.

These dark holes are added on all layers found inside the object. Of course, holes are darker on the bottom and slightly brighter on top. Once again, make sure that these new shapes are filled with small bumps and made from irregular shapes.

How to draw an asteroid

nice work learning how to draw an asteroid

I hope you had fun learning how to draw an asteroid like the one found below. You can experiment using this lesson as a starting point to create more versions. Don't hesitate to add more volume, more shadows, more holes, more textures and work with different colors.

How to draw an asteroid

How to draw an asteroid

Above, you can see all steps needed to illustrate this object perfectly. You are invited to try more fun lessons from the same series here. Enjoy! :)

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How To Draw An Asteroid


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